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may 21st judgement day

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may 21st judgement day Empty may 21st judgement day

Post  Admin Thu May 12, 2011 10:58 pm

Many members of a Christian fringe group, Family Radio, claim that Judgement Day is coming, and coming fast. It'll be here on May 21, in fact. However, the Bible itself begs to differ. In Matthew, for example, the Bible clearly states, \"No one knows. There is a growing concern that Reverend Camping's May 21 Judgement Day prediction will bring suicide pacts. The California-based Christian organization that is saying The Rapture is drawing near says even though they sound cult-like, they never told. If you've been paying any attention at all to the world around you, you're probably aware that a group called Family Radio, a California-based sectarian Christian group, is claiming that May 21, 2011 will be Judgment Day. They're letting us all know. \"JUDGMENT DAY FOLKS!\" she yells with a volume that would make a drill sergeant proud. \"May 21, 2011!\" For the past seven months, Pease has been crisscrossing the country in a caravan with eight others, warning anyone who will. (Shutterstock) It'll be Judgment Day, true believers promise. And herald the worse times on Earth for many, they guarantee. But the California-based sectarian Christian organization that's put up billboards across Canada -- pointing to May 21 as the. Reverend Camping and Christian Radio are trying to convince Christians to believe in the May 21 Judgement Day. This is the day of the Rapture and they will be leaving the world to go to heaven. Who will take care of their pets that they have left. A fringe US evangelical Christian group, Family Radio, has erected billboards around the world advising that Judgment Day will occur on May 21. How will you be judged? Anything to do with judgment is a misnomer. I don't believe in a God that furthers. The world as we know it is going to end on May 21st. There are billboards that tell me this, so I have to believe it's true. What kind of monster would buy a billboard saying the world is going to end if it. Richard Lunsford looks at the front page of a local newspaper that reads \"Judgment Day\" outside the Oklahoma City National Memorial in Oklahoma City, June 11, 2001. A 'View' of Armageddon: Is May 21, 2011 the End? Watch Video May 21, 2011,. May 21, 2012 will be Judgment Day. If you believe in the Mayan prophecies or the religious such as Reverend Camping, the world will be ending in about a week in a half. So what do you have to do to get ready for the rapture? We at pnosker.com have you.


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Join date : 2011-05-09


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