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may 21st doomsday

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may 21st doomsday Empty may 21st doomsday

Post  Admin Mon May 16, 2011 10:57 pm

The notable lack of Rapture did not deter Camping, who went back to the Bible, did some numerological legerdemain, and recalculated the real Doomsday as May 21. Time will tell if he's right, but either way it's not a bad idea to tell friends and family. Now meet their leader: Metro interviewed Harold Camping, the man responsible for the nationwide warning of Judgment Day, May 21. We must warn the world, said Camping, 89, a Christian radio broadcaster and president of the Family Radio network,. Judgment Day May 21, 2011.\" In a self-published book, \"The Doomsday Code,\" Fitzpatrick said the Bible offers \"proof that cannot be dismissed.\" \"Judgment Day will surprise people. We will not be ready for it,\" Fitzpatrick said in an interview with the. The latest doomsday nonsense comes from Harold Camping, an evangelical broadcaster for Family Radio Worldwide who says he's done the math and the world will end on May 21, 2011. According to Camping's website, Judgment Day on May 21, 2011,. MANILA (Reuters) - A US-based Christian group took to the streets of Manila earlier this week to preach that the end of the world is fast approaching -- on May 21 at sunset, to be precise. Volunteers from the religious group. Might Post readers find this a bit more newsworthy than the May 21 crowd? SuperFan badge holders consistently post smart, timely comments about Washington area sports and teams. If your comments or those of another user measure up, please let Post. With just four days remaining in the planet's unraveling circle of life, the grim and inexplicably bizarre omens of Doomsday continue to sweep the globe. The May 21 Judgment Day prophesy of Harold Camping, initially met with vast skepticism,. The most famous example these days is Harold Camping, a California-based Christian radio broadcaster who believes that May 21, 2011, will mark Judgment Day, ushering in five months of torment for the unsaved until the universe finally ends on Oct. 21.. Of course, should that scenario not play out on Saturday, we'll have to console ourselves with a marathon of doomsday flicks and pine for what might have been. Today we present a sampling of our favorites from the enduring genre--some justly ignored on. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines yesterday debunked predictions that doomsday will take place on May 21. CBCP Media Office Director Monsignor Pedro Quitorio said the public should not believe scary rumors since no one knows when the.


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